These are available in packs of 25 or 100. Please select the quantity of bags, not tubers. Retail price for a pack of 25 is $275, and a pack of 100 is $550.
Shipping will be calculated once it ships out in late March or Early April. A shipping deposit will charged at checkout, and we will either refund or send an invoice for the difference. You can expect your tubers to ship in late March-April. Contact us if you need them sooner.
These dahlias are a smaller ball flower in a really pleasing soft orange color, a great color for fall and for events! The blooms are a little smaller coming in at about 2-3" varying on the plants, but are still a great size for bouquets and florists love them as they are more versatile than some of the larger blooms. The plants are typically 42-46" in height.